hunter's playroom

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you f ing  bastards stay away from my son and any other child. I will personally cut all your so called extremities off and shove them back down your throats. a three year old child does not know what you f ing@@@@##@##$$@$ mean. The "secret " group forcing children to submit to your party games is over. I will personally bury each and everyone of y'all. Then send your mommies y'alls remains after hanging them from your doorways and the local police and federal buildings. Do You understand me. Find you first I don't need to you are found and gone. The dude or deudette claiming that my son was forceed to do whatever and liked it, you personally no longer exist. I am licensed to kill and no court in any nation can hold me or stop me no religious oragnization or gang or group of friends you hide behind. Your death threats and stench have been answered and are returned. you pick your words carefully you people no longer exist.operations gone wrong I will correct them permanently!!!!!!!!! Stay away from my child and myself leave us in peace. Don't worry you all will not have to constantly look over your backs- there is nothing there nor beside y'all nor in front front of y'all. f...... you!!!I just save what will not even care about y'all funeral and medical expenses and the I person whatever your name is start ceasing to exist NOW!!!!!!

Hunters Playroom: Volume I: August 1, 2004 ;web design


Hi, my mommy painted my playroom yet again. It's supposed to be the color of a tropical island ocean. It's the same color as my bed, though. We are moving, but she said it makes things look uniform and maybe the next person moving in will like it. "Anyways,we aren't moving for another three months", anyways, she saids-- so we still have to live here and its our home. Then she said," thta way the boogie monsters don't move in on us". She stopped with, "well, the landlord has to repair the roof above the room ." It rained too much lately.

My mommy painted over most of all the cool cartoons she painted on my bedroom wall, with the landlords permission ,of course. We are moving back to the ocean --a warmer temperature,though a not so cloudy fish bowl in a tunnel area ,she saids. I just hope I get my own room again, She snores but I rather be with my mommy then anyone shes funny and fun  mean sometimes too,only when she needs to be, but she loves me. We are celebrating Halloween already. She saids  some people get too scary or hung up on stuff. She wants me to enjoy Halloween the way she did and other stuff but she won't mention it because right now we are fighting the 'Family Secret'.
           *I get a tutor so I won't have to go to no ratty daycare and can just go to play groups and stuff so I won't feel alone or lonely and I will have friends my age. She saids its not good to hang around with ghosts too much or old people. Some kids are mean. I want a doggy. My great-grandmother had one and \I played with it at grandma's house when I first met them. Alot of people want to be my great-granma and granma now. Some people are nice but Mommy said I cannot be too careful. We are going to some kind of hockey game before we leave, she said that's the sport of the area. She's tired of people saying she didn't give the town a chance. Who's Hilary Clinton? My mommy really doesn't like her. She blames her and her former husband for the lost of our money. They stole our Security checks again. That's what happened ,yup, them and the Republican convention. The woman, she(my mother) ,was talking to,  said the Clintons are Democrats..... "Want to bet?, my mother said, They are all in kahutes". I hope I get  a boat. That way when The upstate climate,as my mother saids, start with there computer wars and stink bombs like adolescent college freshman she can read a magazine.She really doesn' t like the new regime.
What's New?August,2004
Mommy made me sit on the potty again. She said even though she don't want me to grow up too soon.I still have to be with my age group and my new school may expect me to already be potty trained. She saids that there is no socioeconomic hoopla to it some people are just show offs and they are really sad.

Blues Guitar

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