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TThe Flying Trunk  by Han Christian Andersen cont'd.

People climbing books

He came to the land of the Turks. He hid the trunk in a wood beneath some dried leaves and then went into the town: there was nothing to prevent him from doing that for among the Turks everybody went around like himself, on dressing gowns and slippers.
  He happened to meet a nurse with a little child.. "Listen thou Turkish nurse, he said, what is taht large castle close to town with the windows so high"? "That is where the Kings daughter swells,said she. It has been foretold that she will have great trouble about a lover, so no wooer is allowed to approach her, unless the King and Queen come to."
   "Thank you", said the merchant's son He went back to the woods and sat on his trunk and flew to the rooftops of the castle. He alighted at the Princesses window. Slowly, he crept through the window. She lay on the sofa asleep. She was so pretty that the merchants son could not help but to kiss her.She awoke and was quite frightened, but he assured her that he was the god of the Turks, who come through the air to her. So they sat side by side and he told her tales about her eyes; he said they were loke beautifuldark lakes and that rhoughts swam in them like sp many little mermaids;and he made up tales about her forehead which he said was like a snow mountain woth the loveliest rooms and pictures;he told her about the stork that brings the sweet little children. Yes, indeed, very pretty tales they were, so he wooed the Princess and she said "Yes", immediately.
   "But you must come on Saturday when the King and Queen give tea;they will be very proud for me that I have a Turkish god for my husband. You must not forget to have a really lovely tale, for that is what my parents are particularily fond of; my mother likes her stories moral and refined, while my father likes them rollicking----things that one laugh you know!"
  "Very well, the only bridal gift I shall bring will be a nice tale!"., he said and so they parted, but before he left the Princess gave him a token of her love and promised bethrol. It was a sabre set with gold pieces; it was just what he wanted and he could turn it to good account. So he flew away. He bought himself a new dressing-gown, and then sat in the wood and began composing a tale. It was to be ready by Saturday, and its not so easy to compose that sort of thing in order. But he was ready with it at last, and by that time  it was Saturday. The King and the Queen were having tea with the Princess and the whole court and they were awaiting him. He was recieved so nicely.
             "And now will you tell us a tale", said the Queen,"one that is profound and improving!"
            "But which will make one laugh as well!", said the King.
            "Oh certainly!", said the merchants son.

<click >to hear the tale and to finish the story;Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales

<click> to find out more about the author(writer)

Odense, Denmark: Hans Christian Andersens Birthplace

What did you think of the story?
What do you think the moral or message was?
How do you light a fire with sticks?
Do you think the merchant boy was the husband the Princess was foretold of?
What did they call storytellers , who went from town to town in the old days?
Shall and thou are from what type of language?
Where was Hans Christian Andersen born?
List three things that Denmark is known for?