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The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout
        (walk fingers up arm)
Down came the rain
        (wiggle fingers from over the head and down)
And washed the spider out
        (criscross hands in front of body and back,forth-         side motion)
Out came the sun and dried all the rain
        (raise hands over head and out making an open palm  embracing the heavens)
And the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again
        (walk fingers up the arm again)

World Kids

itsy bitsy spider

sing-a-long with the piano brothers


Blues Guitar

Who wrote the itsy bitsy Spider? Its authorship is still unknown to this day. It sounds British. It was previously known as teensy weensy spider, I think. It probably dates back to way before the early Americas. In Spain, a folk art form called flamenco uses a dance,step arrangement which literally means "kill the spider".
         Flamenco as I say, is a folk art form from Spain. It is passed on as an oral tradition supported with and by music coupled with movement and dance. Its music embodies the richness of Spain, of a nation, a past, an island, a country and especially if not first, her people.
         The instrument of her message is the guitar. Yet, not just any guitar.  Her instrument is the 'concerto flamenco' guitar.
    Brief History: The modern flamenco guitar is a 1st cousin--meaning cuz, to the modern classical guitar. they are both handbuilt. Consisting of almost the same methods. The flemenco guitar has a very unique sound, though, along with that is an unique fingering(playing) action. Different timbers are used for the body of the guitar varying subtly in dimension and properties. The traditional flamenco guitar is made entirely of cypress, while the classical guitar is mad of rosewood. Another difference between the classical guitar and the flamenco guitar is a golpeadores is located on the flamenco guitar. Golpeadores are plastic tappingplates for fingernail taps.
   In the most recent modification of the flamenco guitar , the 'concerto flamenco' was created. It combines the rosewood and machine tuning of the classic guitar with the fingering board and tap plate of the traditional flamenco guitar.