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STORYTIME- September, 2004

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STORYTIME- September, 2004
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the cricket and the cougar

origin of The Iroquois Nations

Warriors of Rainbow

A little brave and the medicine woman


church bells ring the lambs and falcons home

water rushed down the river wall

bouncing off the cragged edge of the landing. Startling the falcons hanging out there.

the mother falcon flew from her nest of cradling and cuddling to seek additional food for her youngin. Overlooking a nearby nest of baby Eagles, the former tenants of the falcons lair were a outdoorsy Eagle couple with a growing home of their own, the mommy falcon flew towards the coastline. The nesting community, on the whole had been predominantly Eagles. Most of the community had migrated out several seasons ago. In their haste,as is always the thing, in these cases, they neglected to properly remove their nesting homes.
