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Petting Zoo


Hello animal lovers: Welcome to my petting zoo. Granted, you cannot pet all the animals listed here throughout  the upcoming editions. ( smile) , Some may take your fingers off; but you will know what they are and learn some nature facts as well. 

Since its hot today, we'll think cold.
Polar bears
They live in the ice and snow. They are very big and fierce. They have hairy feet which help them grip the ice.. Big Foot was a polar bear. Of course,out of time , temperate zone and area. Hence, his adaptation into human male and a female big foot was reported years ago...human form was inevitable. Just like the arctic hare and the reindeer, the polar bear sad to say is becoming extinct--My mommy couldn't find a picture. She has to find a site. She will download the picture next week or so. Of course by then we will have moved on to another animal but you can always check the updates, etc.

Polar Bears

National Geographic


Dolphin in pool

       Dolphins love to play. They talk by making clicking, squeaking, whistling and other sounds. Baby dolphins can swim as soon as they are born. Dolphins live in the sea, but they are not fish. They are mammals, just like us. Every few minutes, they have to swim to the surface to breathe.A baby dolphin is called a calf. It stays close to its mother and has to drink her milk for a year. Ask your mom how long she nursed you as a baby, then you'll know if your a dolphin or not.The type of Dolphin seen in amusement parks or marine parks are commonly known as Bottle -nosed Dolphins. as seen in the picture. It is one of the smartest of all animals.

Animal printouts-coloring and posters

Dolphin looking out of water

National Geographics Kids: Virtual worlds


endangered species

Earth and Sky radio

Earth and Sky