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Storytime page 2- September, 2004
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STORYTIME- September, 2004
Storytime page 2- September, 2004
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The bird flew over small trees and scattering animal. It flew overhead a cabin and a couple taking a walk through the woods. then finally as the trees cleared, the falcon circled above the ocean and cresting waves.  She dived into the surf. Submerging, quickly rising back into the sky. A freshly caught sea gull now dead hung from her beak. She paused briefly on the beach deftly,  hastily, plucking away the sea gulls feathers extracting a few essential meats before ascending back into the sky with her prey. The sounds of the ocean and the woods guided her home. At times some of the sounds even sounded like a baby crying.



a lamb baaed in the distance while church bells signalled the end of evening matins.

a slight breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees causing the wind to rush the coming night. A wood chime stirred at the opening of the gate.


The falcon sensing the coming nights  activities passed through the gate and landed just beside her hidden nest. Her overjoyed, yet hungry children welcomed her return.
THE END- fini  a story by Lois c johnson and Hunter ewan d'Pierre