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The flying trunk by Hans Christian Andersen

there was once a merchant who was so rich, that he could have paved the whole street.with silver pieces but he didn't for he had other things to do with his money. He made a quarter out of every penny heinvested and then, well, then he died.
  His son now got all his money. He lived right merrily. hew went to balls every night and made kites  out of bank notes and bonds. He played at ducks and drakes over the water with gold pieces, instead of stones, till at last he nothing in the world except four pennies, a pair of slippers and an old dressing gown. Now, that he was not fit to be seen with them in the street , his friends no longer talked to him. Except, one who was better natured than the rest. he sent him an old trunk with a note attached "pack up", which was certainly good advice, but since he had nothing at all to pack, he just sat on the trunk instead.
 It was a very wonderful old trunk.You had only to press the lock and the trunk went, that is set off flying. It did so now. 'Whisk' up the chimney it went. Up above treetops, churches, rooftops land sea and stores, it flew. Above meadows and horses and capitals of other countries. It flew as high even higher than the clouds. Until...
