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Earth rise over moon surface

Globular star cluster

In the beginning, people thought the stars were little torches or lamps hung not very far above their heads.
They the saw that the stars clustered into groups- forming of all things pictures. Yeah pictures, but they called them "constellations"(sort of like my middle name).
Constellation means group of stars. They, then, gave each one a name, just like a naming ceremony.  Okay well like a birthname--- like your name but different. Some are nicknames and actual names---just like yours. You know the 'Big Dipper', in the sky with the 'Little Dipper', (its kid). Well, the 'Big Dipper'  is also  known as 'Great Bear'. The dipper out of which some giant space traveller might drink,also,  looks like a big bear walking on all fours- not standing up growling.
Astronomy is the study of stars, moons and the sun. It was the first science. It is formed from two Greek words meaning-arranging the stars.

Orion Nebula

Earth and Sky


pure science

science projects