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The falcon that ate a fish



......With this golden amulet you will soar as the falcon do and run one amongst the gazelles. Commanding life, sky, sea, heart and earth...repeat after me...Oh Mighty Isis....
Did I ever tell you the story of the falcon that was totally rehabilitated and mainstreamed into normal societal ergo- economic existence?
Well, it was just when 'zugunruhe' hit its small nesting community. What's 'zugunruhe'. Its a feeling in the air. Pass me that blanket, Ah, the cold is getting to my bones. Look. Look here, my feathers have all unfurled. Ah, well, yes, okay, you asked me about 'zugunruhe', its that nervous anxious feeling falcons and other migratory birds get when its time to pack up and move to warmer wintery ground.The falcons' nest rested on the ledge of a steep cliff face. His cousin Albert was living two towns over in a new office high rise. He didn't go in for that sort of thing. Living off the fat of the land that was for him. He had been thinking lately of visiting his cousin in Mexico. His cousin Eduardo have lived down there in the Prairie lands by Texas and Mexico for years. Eduardo de Falco- Family: Falconidacor; Order: Falconiforms; Class: Falco Mexicanus spent most of the days and nights eating ground squirrels, prairie dogs  and lizards. While continually gathering large quantities of insects for his new family. Eduardo had extended the invitation to his cousin Francois, for the winter months knowing that  Francois and his family badly needed a change. He and his cousin Albert had not spoken in years either. There was much ill will between Eduardo and Albert. Eduardo new that an invitation from him to Albert would be viewed as very suspicious indeed.  Eduardo did not much like the high rise lifestyle that Albert led. Casinos and fast women, corporate types and Good Golly were did he find the last one under some rock!. No stopping and remembering who he was a 'de Falco'. Both Francois and Albert de Falco  were of the  social class structure-Tundrius. Officially their birth certificates read- Family: Falconidae; Order: Falconiformes; Class: Falco peregrinus tundrius. Both, Albert and Francois loved the ocean ,immensely. Eduardo remembered childhood days when the three of them hunted along shorelines, through river valleys and over marshes at dawn and dusk. eduardo prefered open areas away from the water while the brothers prefered open areas near the water. They had all comprimesd by spending  the Spring season in Minnesota that year.They would fly over head reaching speeds close to 320 kmh. Then , they would dived downward still going that fast. They flew with shallow rapid wing beats. Their long thin, pointed wings enabled them to boast about their swiftness, agility and speed in catching birds in mid -air. Often playful competitions would start up. Their kills ranged from sparrows to large waterfowls. Francois liked catching ducks the best.
